Benefits of Spirulina for Horses

Scoop of Pure Organic Spirulina Tablets for Horses

G’s Pure Organic Spirulina is a true superfood. It’s a rich source of the full spectrum of B vitamins, as well as Vitamins D, E, and beta-carotene (the precursor for Vitamin A). It also contains the plant pigments phycocyanin and chlorophyll which act as powerful antioxidants.

But don’t take our word for it. Clinical research on spirulina has demonstrated its capabilities to: 

  • Be a natural remedy for allergic reactions: the photosynthetic pigment phycocyanin in Spirulina inhibits the release of histamine, thus preventing reactions to common elements in the environment and diet. 

  • Stimulate the immune system:  spirulina enhance the body’s ability to generate new immune system cells, including bone marrow stem cells, macrophages, T-cells, and natural killer cells. 

  • Help the body fight infection naturally: scientists have actually watched spirulina cause macrophages (key to immune health) to multiply, become more active, and more efficient at killing germs. In fact, the animal feed industry has been researching the addition of spirulina as a probiotic to replace overused antibiotics in feed.

Spirulina is generally 55-60% protein (our Spirulina contains closer to 70% protein) and contains all the essential amino acids along with a variety of non-essential amino acids required for muscle development. And it’s highly digestible. Spirulina lacks cellulose cell walls, so it is easily digested. Some studies say it is four times more digestible than animal protein, making it fantastic for all horses, from those that are malnourished to elite performance horses.

Are you in the market for Spirulina?

Learn more about G’s Pure Organic Spirulina and shop for yours today!


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